Product Description
The Travel Bottle system is a self-contained system (no additional parts required) that can be stored in your bug out bag, suitcase for international travel, or camping pack. The Travel Bottle includes the lab and field proven Just Water ceramic filter. This bottle will filter pure, clean drinking water from almost any imaginable source including flood water, lakes, rainwater, wells, and rivers or streams. The included Just Water filter will effectively filter pure water for around 200 bottle refills and is replaceable. The Just Water Travel bottle is available in blue and green.
Filter is silver impregnated and will not permit bacteria growth-through (mitosis). It provides a hostile environment for all microbiological organisms and will not support their growth. Ceramic elements may be cleaned 100 or more times with a soft brush or slightly abrasive cloth or pad. Can be used a replacement filter in the travel bottle, the hydration pack or the water bladder.
The filtration efficiency is 0.2 micron.
99.999% Bacteria Removal
Virus Reduction
- Easy installation
- Unless water is being stored, no additional treatment is necessary.
- Accepts water from floods, lake, rain, well, tap, river or stream
- Replace filter after 200 travel bottle fills
- Cleans with clean, slightly abrasive cloth or pad.
- Unlimited shelf life

Product Specs & Instructions
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